Sunday, 21 October 2012

Day 162: Chocolate and banana tart

Okay, just ignore the ‘well done’ (ok, burnt) parts of the tart in the photo. Despite what it looks like, this recipe was actually very good. When making desserts, there aren’t many wrongs that can’t be righted with Nutella. Yes, something which continues to be a favourite of mine; that perfect combination of hazelnuts and chocolate. Totally yum. One of my earliest food memories is of Dear Father bringing me and Dear Sister No.1 home a jar of Panda chocolate spread. We had such great fun cutting shapes out of the bread and spreading the chocolate over them. Dear Mother wasn’t too impressed I’m sure but that’s daddies all over. Right so, the recipe was Chocolate and banana tart and here’s how I made it…

I trimmed a sheet of ready-rolled puff pastry and then set it onto a baking tray. I then spread Nutella on top of it and tried to keep it away from the edges as per the recipe instructions. In a bowl, I mixed four sliced bananas and lemon juice before laying them on top of the Nutella. Before putting the tart into the oven, I sprinkled soft brown sugar over the top and then baked for 22 minutes.

The verdict…

Yes, this tart was extremely nice. Dear Husband’s verdict was 8 marks out of 10 and mine was 7 marks. Dear Son liked it generally but picked off the slice of banana. Dear Daughter was the same. What a mess the two of them were afterwards though. I should have taken a photo!

Overall, it was an extremely easy and quick recipe to make. The only thing I’m wondering is if you’ll manage to get through the recipe without sneaking a big spoonful of the Nutella to yourself. I certainly couldn’t. Some things never change…  

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