Friday, 21 September 2012

Day 132: Baked peaches with honey and pecans

You know how I mentioned before that Dear Husband will be halfway through one meal and then he’ll start to think about what he’s going to have for his next meal?! Well, at around lunch time today, I got a text from him saying “TLMII would like CTM tonight please”. Now, to explain, Dear Husband is the king of abbreviations in text messages and, every so often, he’ll send me a new one which I usually figure out. Well, I knew already that CTM was Chicken tika masala but the TLMII got me. It was of course The Luckiest Man in Ireland which Ray D’arcy called him the other day which I forgot about. However, since he reminded me, I think I will have to use that to my advantage. God knows, I’ll probably be 90 years of age and still be reminding him. The conversation will probably go something like this… “Hey Rodney, gone get me my walking stick!”. He’ll probably go “Ah, can you not get it yourself?!” and I’ll be saying “Uch, do you not remember the time I made you 180 new meals in a row and we were on the Ray D’arcy Show and he called you the luckiest man in Ireland?!”. Well, that’s how it goes in my head anyway.

To be honest, I don’t mind when Dear Husband actually tells me what he wants to eat as that’s half the battle for me. I hate when I can’t decide what to make and usually have to sift through cookbook after cookbook so one of the many pluses of this Challenge has been only having to pick a recipe from one cookbook. So, I made him the Chicken tika masala which meant that I had to pick another dessert for tonight’s post and so I settled on Baked peaches with honey and pecans.

This has to be, by far, the quickest recipe in the cook book to prepare which suited me down to the ground on a Friday evening after another hectic week – 2 minutes preparation! Two peaches into a bun baking tray, a smothering of butter, a dollop of honey and a scattering of chopped pecans. That was it! Into the oven they went for 14 minutes et voila! I served Dear Husband's with vanilla ice-cream and mine with double-cream.

The verdict…

Without giving you the marks just yet, this is exactly what I said to Dear Husband as I ate the first bite “Oh my God! I am sooo making these again!”. They really were that good. I was bowled over to be honest because I totally underestimated this recipe. And I know of course that Dear Husband isn’t too fussed on fruit in desserts (or maybe fruit in general) but he said that it was one of the nicest desserts he’d ever had! The marks – 9 from me and 8 from Dear Husband. Such an absolutely delicious combination of flavours. As I ate it, I also wished my granny (God rest her) was still alive to make this for her because she would have absolutely loved it! You see, there again, further evidence of why this Challenge has been so great – here’s a recipe that I probably would not have made only for the fact that I promised to make every single one in the book. I am now thinking to myself, how many other recipes in my many cook books have I skimmed past because I didn’t think they’d be anything special?! Okay, I’m going to try and not think about that.

Overall, the quickest, simplest recipe to prepare and quick to cook. Also, I must hand it to Supervalu for the very impressive new display of every kind of nut which they have in their Buncrana store. It’s by far the best I’ve seen in any supermarket north or south of the border and pecans can be relatively difficult to get but you’ll get them in Supervalu. I highly, highly recommend you make this recipe. It will be perfect after your dinner on Sunday – just remember to get the dinner read up before 3pm. Sam is for the Hills you know?! Donegal abu! Have a great weekend everyone… J

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