Sunday, 9 September 2012

Day 122: Sweet potato and Gruyere tortilla

When I decided to do this Challenge, I can safely say that maiming myself most definitely wasn’t part of the plan! However, from now to eternity, it appears that I will have a permanent reminder on me of this Challenge which is a good thing in theory but not so good in reality as this ‘reminder’ takes the form of the letter ‘T’ (as in Tefal) which has been branded into the pad of my left thumb. How did I manage that silliness you ask?! It was very simple actually. I lifted a frying pan which had been in the oven to put it back into the oven and, for whatever reason, I lifted it with my bare hand! Seriously. So, I more or less inflicted second-degree burns on my left hand on every part that would come into contact on an object when lifting it. The result has been that I’ve gone from being a super-fast typist to being a super-slow typist and, as I sit here, I sit typing with one hand whilst the other holds a bag of peas. This one-hand typing is seriously frustrating. One of the many good things about my convent secondary education was being taught how to type properly on a typewriter at 12 years of age and I've never known one-hand typing since then - until today that is. I am putting it down to fatigue. I suppose I should have read the signs earlier today when I went to put a tea bag in the tablet compartment for the dishwasher and couldn’t find the drawer for the washing powder in the tumble dryer! I am not even joking! Anyway, let’s get down to the recipe…

I started off by adding olive oil into the frying pan which I was going to put in the oven. Into the oil went two sliced onions which fried lightly for 10 minutes. I then added in two sweet potatoes which I diced up, gave them a stir around the onions and into the oven the pan went for 25 minutes. Every 5 minutes or so, I gave the pan a stir to prevent the veg from burning. Once the veg were tender and golden, I poured in 8 eggs which I had beaten and seasoned. I topped the mixture with grated Gruyère cheese and went to pop the pan back into the oven. I must add that it was at this point that I decided to brand myself for Tefal! Anyway, eventually, after setting my hand into a sink of cold water, I managed to get the tortilla back into the oven for another 20 minutes by which time the top of the tortilla was golden and puffed up.

The verdict…

Dear Husband gave the tortilla 6 marks out of 10 which is a very respectable score for a vegetarian recipe from a carnivore-turned-omnivore. I’d give it 5 marks out of 10 but I’m not big into eggs; still though, it was the nicest egg-type-pie I’ve ever tasted. A major plus of this recipe was that both Dear Son and Baby Daughter ate it – with gusto! For that reason on its own, this recipe will be a regular feature in my kitchen!
Overall, this really was an easy recipe to make and, although, there is an hour of cooking time, the time goes in very fast. It's definitely made The List! Oh, and I just phoned Dear Father and told him to keep feeding those chickens of his well as I’ll have to up my weekly order by another dozen eggs. In the mean time, I’m going to finish watching the All-Ireland hurling final while Dear Husband gets me another bag of peas…and tea…and chocolate. Jeez, I’ve just realised, this is what it must feel like to be him – minus the branded hand, of course…


  1. Oh Lynda you poor thing! Ouch!! The tortilla does sound nice though!

  2. Thanks, Katherine! Aw, leave it to me but hand well on the mend! Thanks for asking and yes the tortilla was great! :)
